Breaking Through Organizational HR Isolation.
Building Insights and Capability.
Expanding HR & OD Networks.

We continually provide expertise, innovative strategies and methodologies, and vast connections to support Culture Shifting, Leadership, People Systems/HR & OD, Change Management & Retained Search to organizational leaders.

We’re adept listeners, posers of targeted questions, and facilitators to get to the real heart of your challenge to provide best practice insights, thinking and resources for meaningful consideration. And, we’re known for ‘out of the box’ thinking to solve critical Missions Impossible. So, when you’re faced with needing a solution to a challenge or to build higher HR & OD performance and value, let us help you get out of your box to discover a new realm of possibility.

With leadership and comprehensive HR & OD expertise bandwidth and extensive professional association connections on our team, we’re happy to provide a helping hand to those who may have less insight or connections.  We hope this information develops greater awareness, advances thinking and outcomes and improves connectedness with valued peers.  This page will continue to evolve over time to provide timely support of identified needs.

Frequently Asked Questions

Have you been wondering how to more efficiently and effectively:

  • Build greater understanding of and momentum to achieve desired change?
  • Create a cohesive and collaborative culture?
  • Increase retention of valued talent?
  • Cultivate collaboration and innovation?
  • Boost performance, accountability and the bottom line?
  • Transform HR from a cost center to value-creating asset?
Check out our FAQs

Brainwave Blog

To share valued insights and expertise with business and HR leaders and professionals, members of our team have written articles we believe you will find of value. It’s an opportunity for you to learn about strategies, trends, different perspectives, practices and more.

Explore our Blog

Recommended Links

The HRC’s team is well connected within the HR and OD profession – locally, regionally, nationally, and beyond.  The provided links are those we feel provide meaningful value to our team and clients.  We hope they bring you new knowledge and connections.

Browse the Websites