Experience the power of substantially higher value Culture / DEI, Leadership Development, HR & OD, Change Management & Retained Search

The Human Resource Consortium is designed for leaders who crave the ability to ignite more rapid growth and transform one of their highest cost centers into a value creator.

The Greater Power of Our Expertise

We’ve successfully completed over 500 engagements since 1995… the first time, every time, on time, and on or under budget.

Unequaled in our relentless customization, integrated systems expertise, and extraordinary ‘high touch,’ our consultants partner with our clients to create employee magnetism as well as organizational power and performance.

The HRC services Venn Diagram

Our Track Record is Exceptional

  • From Lack of Cohesive Leadership and Consternation… to a Unified, Engaging and Collaborative Team.
  • From Shocked Cultures and Performance… to Competitive Edge Cultures and Pumped-up Performance.
  • From Under-Performing HR Capability… to Valued, Best Practices To Drive 4X Performance & Value and 2X+ Customer Loyalty.
  • From Abysmal 30% VUCA Fast Change Success Rate… to 80% Change Management Success and Strong ROI.
  • From 50% Chance of Executive Search Completion in 9-12 Months… to 99% Fill and 98% Success in 3 – 7 Months.

Why transforming HR with integrated systems became our North Star

25 years iconWelcome to our site! I’m Regan MacBain Traub… a recognized, HR transformationalist in the Northeast. From an Operations background in healthcare, manufacturing, and financial services I’d worked within integrated systems environments. Peter Senge’s theories made tremendous sense to me and many successful, international organizations. They were widely implemented in other functions… but not, HR. Why not? Intuitively, I knew significant, untapped organizational value could be found within HR. So, in 1995, I founded The Human Resource Consortium… the first integrated systems consultancy on the East Coast.

Regan Traub

Our Operating Principles

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Respect each organization and its people, seeking first to understand rather than be heard as well as to sensitively impart truth.

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Accelerate achievement of desired strategy and culture through highly customized and integrated, straight-forward, practical and compelling solutions to enhance employee engagement.

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Facilitate employees’ ability to quickly grasp and trust organization strategy and practices by establishing 'clear lines of sight’ from strategy to their individual performance.

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Provide realistic recommendations that assure implementation efficacy.

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Assure our work will result in value for investment, reduce risk and contribute to organizational well-being.

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Create implementation and communication plans that are transparent, timely and culturally sensitive; consistently model collaboration, teamwork, authenticity and exceptional ethics.

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Mitigate consulting cost and dependency by developing clients’ internal capability for sustainable solutions. Actively partner with and develop leaders and staff in the creation and implementation of solutions.

How is HR elevating your organization’s value and creating organizational magnetism?

With Operations and HR & OD best practice expertise, our consulting team delivers a marked difference in the Culture / DEI Shifting, Leadership Development, HR & OD, Change Management & Retained Search fields. We operate from the perspective of organizational leaders.