rave reviewsThe HR job market has never been this competitive or as fast moving as it is today. Our client presented a complex and time-sensitive requirements list… Chief HR Officer experience, successful transformation of the function within the healthcare and/or education sectors, Master’s degree, executive presence, and a diverse slate of candidates. And, complete the search within sixty (60) days to facilitate the CHROs’ transition.

We quickly gathered strategic and operational information to gain clear perspectives of the needs shared by the Executive Team, departing CHRO, and HR team. Within the first week, we developed and validated an updated job description and created a selection protocol and tools. Simultaneously, we began alerting our networks while focusing on outreach to Chief HR Officers who were not actively ‘in the market’ but accurately fit our client’s requirements. We also researched active candidates.

Within 30 days, we presented and scheduled four (4) interviews with our client, all of whom were passive candidates, three (3) of whom were diverse, and two (2) were bilingual. Two semi-finalists were agreed upon for final interviews. The Executive Team’s deliberations were tough. Ultimately, consensus was reached and the offer was accepted within seven (7) weeks of the search start. Both the CEO and candidate are exceptionally pleased with the great fit, months later on the journey together.

By Chris Rose and Regan MacBain Traub, CPC