Brainwave Blog

In today’s world, to be recognized as a trusted and impactful leader and a continual learner, you’ve got to stay informed of best practices in Culture Shifts, Leadership Development, People Systems/HR & OD, DEI, Change Management, and Retained Search.

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We hope our site provides and evokes insights to result in your experiencing a more robust and satisfying career. Thank you for visiting with us. We’ll look forward to the opportunity to partner with you to help you even more…


TR Strategy for Non-Profits: Earn Return on Your “Investment”

For most nonprofits, the recent past has been hard given significant workplace and labor market change. With many clients, the last few years have presented unique and difficult challenges including: Pandemic workplace changes; FLSA changes; Labor market scarcity; How work is performed; Intensified grant-maker scrutiny to fund on a ROI basis; Increasing costs of healthcare…

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28 years

The Human Resource Consortium is Celebrating 28 Years!

“Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma – which is living with other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice. And, most important, follow your heart and intuition.” -Steve Jobs Ruminating on conversations I began having in…

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floating ball

Culture Matters! More Than Ever…

The Human Resource Consortium has devoted decades of its work to: unify organizations; create engaging cultures that serve as a compelling, competitive, strategic advantage; and develop organizations to become talent magnets. An organization’s culture is the single-most difficult and longest term competitive advantage an organization can create.  Its culture must adeptly align with the organizational…

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7 Tips to Maintain or Build Resilience

While reflecting on the start of this year’s holiday season, it’s brought to mind some additional thoughts on the topic of resilience.  Since the Pandemic, many have been reading, learning, discussing, strategizing, and supporting this topic.  Based on my personal and professional life experiences, I’ve come to believe that helping others to develop resilience is…

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Unity v. Diversity: Case Studies in Strategic Care

Organization, from the Latin word organum, means “to form into a whole consisting of interdependent parts.” By the mere nature of the word, organizations’ survival depends on many diverse individuals aligning to one common thread, the well-defined and profoundly understood mission/vision of the business. The following is a case study in application. One of the…

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Focal Shift Flashpoint: Polarization to U.C.I.C.

Sadly, we’ve continued to see and hear heightened levels of divisiveness and polarization… in organizations, academia, communities, and the news. Increased behavioral support needs from emotional pain, including elevated ego hyper-focus, have been igniting a lack of respectful discourse from all sides. In effect, ‘others’ become seen as adversaries. Whether conscious or unconscious, or from…

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human network

Will This Be Your Organization’s HR & OD Golden Age?

The Industrial Revolution, Management Evolution, and the Technology Era quarter-backed organizations for the past 100 years. Yet, the humanistic dimension had been sidelined in most, leaving the development of interpersonal acumen in ‘slow-mo.’ The relational side of organizations, communities, and families is now most certainly front and center. The prominence of DEIB, resilience, sustainability, and…

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passion mission

Passion for Mission: The Organizational Heartbeat

Creating passion throughout an organization has never been so vital for resilience and retention, yet more challenging to achieve…whether you’re working onsite, hybrid, or remote. Connecting people to a meaningful organizational and personal mission has become an organization’s vital heartbeat for performance, innovation, success, and sense of fulfillment. While visiting Sicily this summer to fulfill…

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angry call

Why Are You Calling Me?!!

Almost a decade ago, I was a brand-new consultant at a Fortune 500, developing the communications on the need for awareness in the cybersecurity realm. As I began working on an internal marketing campaign, I called the company’s videographer to ask a few questions about how I should go about using his services. I could…

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