
questionsTo accelerate organizational growth and HR value, The Human Resource Consortium, LLC launches its cutting edge and forward-fueling HR research study beta test in Eastern CT on June 1. This survey beta test is being championed by the Chamber of Commerce of Eastern CT. To ensure high efficacy of the research study, The HRC has engaged GreatBlue Research in Glastonbury, CT to program, administer, and compile the data. In September, The HRC will launch its next phase of the research study, beyond Eastern CT.

A 15 minute survey with CEOs of mid-sized (25 – 3,000 employees) organizations across industry sectors will be conducted during the month of June to:

  • familiarize non-HR executives on current HR best practices;
  • assess the degree to which HR capabilities and practices are aligned with organizational priorities; and
  • identify how HR best practices have been implemented in mid-sized organizations to deliver success particularly in light of the Great Resignation, needs for greater market differentiation, supply chain challenges, and geopolitical issues.

The Chamber of Commerce Eastern CT and The HRC will be presenting report of findings and recommendations report in September. For participating in this beta test, The HRC will provide each CEO participant in the beta test with a gratis, individual report of their findings and recommendations with a prioritized ‘roadmap’ to rapidly develop their specific organization’s HR value.

If you’re either a member of the Chamber of Commerce Eastern CT, have an organization within Eastern CT, or do business in Eastern CT, please encourage your CEO to invest only 15 minutes of time to complete this survey to gain a wealth of information. If you have interest in participating in the study, please confirm your interest by registering: (Include your name, company name, title, phone number and address.)

Having devoted the past 20+ years to building HR capability through our work with clients, continuing to create integrated systems in HR & OD, and volunteer leadership efforts for the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM), we are focusing on developing greater fusion with C-Suites and HR. Recent global research by the renowned, modern day Father of HR, David Ulrich, PhD, points to HR’s ability to drive significantly more value. In fact, equivalent to four (4) times the organizational performance through integrated systems in HR and organization development… the expertise of our firm since 1995.