
Presenting… “Exceeding Needs with Superseding Deeds”

arrowsAt WorldatWork’s 2022 Global Annual Rewards Conference, Atlanta, GA – May 23, 2022
Regan and Kawel will present an EvolveTalk (TEDTalk format) on leading edge wellbeing practices. On May 23rd, we will present “Exceeding Needs with Superseding Deeds.” We’ll share three (3) pivotal strategies to create multiplier effects while strategizing with a differentiated lens, implementing with greater efficacy, and proving greater value.
HR, TR, and DEI leaders can win amid rapidly mounting accountabilities, opportunities, challenges, and scrutiny. You’ll learn to develop a culture of wellbeing while amassing higher financial ROI, esteem of leaders and staff, and more importantly organizational magnetism. It’ll be a highly engaging, brain-stimulating, and impactful session. For more information or to register for the Conference go to: